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In mornings of solitude and evenings shared by thousands. In crowded subways and on quiet side streets. In walks through the park and runs for coffee. In daily traffic and weekend getaways.

Welcome to a world where music helps us hear clearly, feel fully and love deeply.

Welcome to a world where we are moved by music.

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Today, we’re in the business of broadcasting. We present brilliant music with information and anecdotes; we run a beloved local station
and we build excellent schedules. But so does every other station. Our biggest threat in this marketplace is indifference. 

Passion is the sword that slays indifference. 

To thrive tomorrow, we’ll still be in the business of broadcasting, but our brand will stand for passion. 

A passion for music. For life. For New York City. A passion that spreads joy to everyone who loves music. Passion that has a point of view. Passion that is celebrated. Passion that brings people together.



No flash in the pan
WQXR is one of the oldest radio stations in the country and we have been broadcasting classical music to New York City since 1939. Our signal has changed over the years and we’ve added new digital streams, but our passion for classical music remains constant.

We deeply love classical music
Classical music is the most extraordinary music ever created. It sparks our imaginations and has the power to lift our spirits. We pride ourselves on playing the most outstanding music—both the pieces our listeners know and the pieces they’ve yet to discover.

New Yorkers make our work happen
As a public radio station, we are supported through the generosity of our members and sponsors, who help us make a life with classical music relevant, accessible and inspiring for all New Yorkers.

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There are two types of classical music audience: Listeners and Lovers.

Listeners often enjoy classical music in the background. It helps them get on with their days. Even if they don’t care deeply about
the genre, they love how it sounds. 

Lovers care. They love how it sounds and how it makes them feel. They aren’t all experts but they get a kick out of learning about the music. Many of them see classical music as a lifelong journey, something to be savored, studied and experienced again and again.

They love exploring the music, sharing it with family and many of them aspire to pass it on to their kids.


"I get up earlier than I need to every morning for my Bach with Jeff because it makes me happy. It's such a wonderful way to start the day." 

—Paula S., Astoria


"I listen to classical when I wake up. I make coffee and put on Mozart. It pulls me out of the morning malaise. Mozart is as good as caffeine.

—Jonathan W., Morningside Heights

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More than any other reason, Lovers embrace classical music because it brings them joy. It lifts the soul on a dark day and calms the mind amid the business of the city.

We win when we share in the joy. We’re Lovers too and when we broadcast classical music, we’re listening with our audience, not playing to them. 


“WQXR is like family; it’s there for me to celebrate and to lift me up when I’ve had a bad day.”

—Renee S., Upper East Side


“The last classical music concert I went to was at Juilliard. I was amazed and taken with the music. It was focused pleasure. I was moved by unexpected beauty.”

—David S., Red Hook

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Audiences, hosts and artists feel moved when they hear classical music. It has a transformative power on our emotions. As a brand, we celebrate the world’s most extraordinary music and its potential to deeply move us.

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We craft, design and curate the experience of music, all day long. We connect audiences to their deep passion for music by reminding them why they love the genre. 

We’re not about exclusive spectacles. We’re here for everyone, every day. We’re not trapped by the past, we’re here right now.



Our unwavering love for music inspires us at every step of the journey.

We are full-hearted, we celebrate the depth and joy of life and music at every touch point.

We embrace our artistic side and find beauty and inspiration in new experiences.

We are eager to explore new things in pursuit of a deeper meaning, more intimate connection or new challenges.